Mak Epoxy Grout LV is a two components (Component A –Resin, and Component B-Hardener) solvent free low viscosity free flowing, fast curing epoxy resin system.
As an injection resin with good adhesion to dry concrete, mortar, stone, steel and wood. To fill and seal voids and cracksin structures such as bridges and other civil engineering buildings, industrial and residential buildings, e.g. columns, beams, foundations, walls, floors and water retaining structures
Advantages :
Designed especially for pressure injection into concrete for carrying structural repairs. Due to its low viscosity it can be injected into extremely fine cracks also. The cured resin possesses high mechanical strength, excellent adhesion, practically no shrinkage and chemical resistance. Fine cracks, joints and small voids can be successfully sealed with Mak Epoxy Grout LV. Although Mak Epoxy Grout LV has a very high strength, the cured material is not brittle and remains a slight flexible in nature.