MAK ELASTOTHANE EMB-WB is high performance water proofer that dries to form a tough impermeable coating. It is a blend of tropical grade bitumen emulsion in polyurethane dispersion.
- Excellent crack bridging capacity. Highly flexible.
- Excellent bonding to substrate such as concrete, masonry, wood, metal, plastic, etc.
- Very good bonding to damp surfaces.
- Provides a key to plaster on difficult surfaces.
- Easy to use.
Storage: Store under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from extremes of temperature. Failure to comply with the recommended storage conditions may result in premature deterioration of the product or packaging.
Primary Applications
- As an impervious waterproofing membrane.
- Useful on concrete and brick foundations, retaining walls and bridge abutments.
- For protection of Interior and exterior walls.
- Can be used as adhesive to bond wood blocks , expanded polystyrene and cork tiles to any surface.
- Could be used as a primer/ bond coat on bituminous substrates for bonding.
Directions for Use
- The surface to be coated should be free from all loose particles, dust, oil and laitance. All visible cracks should be opened in ‘V’ grove and filled with repair mortar.
- MAK ELASTOTHANE EMW-WB is applied in min. 2 coat application. 10-15% dilution with water is recommended to make the material brushable. Minimum 4- 6 hours gap should be given between coats for drying.