What is seepage?

Seepage is the process by which water flows slowly through the pores onto the substrate. The most common reasons include lack of waterproofing measures and wrong civil practices, during construction of the building. Such problems may lead to dampness of the walls, efflorescence on walls and peeling of paint, thus leading to AN AESTHETIC BLUNDER.

Most common types of seepages/ dampness are rising dampness [leading to Efflorescence or Shora on walls] which occurs due to DPC (Damp Proof Course) failure and penetrating seepage which occurs due to leakage in drain pipes or damage in tile joints, which give way to water.

How to spot efflorescence on walls?

Efflorescence is a white powdery material or crystals that deposit on the inner wall of the building. These are salt deposits that form due to presence of water or moisture in bricks, concrete, stone, etc. It gives a white or grey type of salt which stays after the water from inside the surface evaporates. It is also known as Shora or Salt Petre attack.

What are the causes of Efflorescence?

The main factors leading to efflorescence are:

  • Presence of water soluble salts
  • Availability of water to transform the salt into a solution
  • Space for the solution to be able to move to the surface where evaporation can take place and leave the efflorescent salt deposits behind

Dampness of walls must be tackled and resolved in a timely manner before the whitewashing of the walls. The problems of efflorescence can be stopped during the building construction stage only if proper treatments are given. However, there is a certain lack of education and confusion on what waterproofing chemicals and processes must be used in order to either solve these problems or avoid them altogether.

We at MAKPHALT, have come up with a unique and easy solution for these common problems thereby saving a lot of hassle and money for the clients and keeping their walls in picture perfect shape.

INSTA WALL GUARD is a cementitious powder which is to be mixed with water, on site, in slurry form and applied with a brush over the cleaned surface where the problem of seepage or efflorescence is coming. It can be applied over the plaster surface or brick wall at a consumption rate of 1.5-2 kg / sqmt. Once dry it forms a tough film on the substrate which effectively blocks the white powdery material [efflorescence] and any sort of water seepage.


Insta Wall Guard may be used during wall construction as well as later when the problem of dampness or efflorescence or shora on walls occurs.

The product has unmatched adhesive strength to concrete substrates and uses a German technology that helps the product form a tough moisture and salts barrier.

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